100% organic

This poetic allegory of the quest for Peace allows us to address a range of different subjects close to our hearts, both through the story and through the production of the musical itself.

  • Through the production:
    • INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY: the arrangements (orchestral and recorded) were created with the collaboration of international artists in order to enrich the sound with a quality contemporary world music spirit, bringing together musicians of the world and their international audiences.
    • TRAINING AND BACK-TO-WORK PROGRAMS: one of our partners is ‘Le Palais de la Femme’, an association and residence which aims to get people back to work. Singing lessons and free shows, as well as psychological and well-meaning assistance are offered to the residents, who are essentially women going through a period of transition and reconstruction. Many of them want to take part in the show, and invest their time and enthusiasm, taking part in the creation of costumes, masks and set design. For these women this participation represents an important professional training experience.
    • DIVERSITY : more than half of the artists in the company come from a mix of cultures, both in order to stay faithful to the story – which sees part of the action taking place in a country on the other side of the world, and the other part in a colourless town – and also because the Parisian auditions often miss out on the talent of artists who come from a sometimes marginalised and often mixed urban culture, the famous “invisible minority”.
    • ECOLOGY : at each stage of the creation, we ensure the conduct of Earth-friendly actions. Long live recycling! We are attentive to the fact that our costumes, sets and paints used live on the stage, as well as the paper used in the promotion, fit with the norms that fit, in turn, with our values.
  • Through the story :
    • ECOLOGY: the real « star » of the musical is the Earth.
    • THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT : there is a clear connection between on the one hand Aïlo’s departure, and on the other the thoughtlessness of the industrialists, the increasing demands of urban living, and the generalized lack of respect for the Earth.
      The desolation into which Aïlo’s village is plunged was provoked by the purchase of Morsanto seeds, which bear an uncanny resemblance to those of a famous American genetically modified seed seller…
    • PEACE is the connecting thread throughout the musical. Each of the characters, notably the window washer – who deserts the battlefield for the town to create the Light Passers’ Crew – is in search of Peace, conscious or not that She is the sole guarantor of their survival and of their happiness.
    • WOMEN’S RIGHTS are addressed through Mirella, a sombre heroine and beaten woman who cannot access real power without her man. She invites us to ask the question: how can we bring about lasting peace without addressing the relationship between women and men?
  • Through the production:
    • EDUCATION AND SOCIAL CONNECTIONS:  The songs from the musical are accessible to all, allowing multiple voices to participate and share, which of course is one of the values inherent to the musical itself.  We go into schools and colleges, amateur and professional choirs, privileging both the building of social connections and awareness raising for responsible ecological living. We hope to continue to bring together amateur and professional vocals at each performance, and to share with all the joy of singing together for peace and the respect of the planet. This beautiful exchange comes to fruition through a communion between spectators and artists during our performances.  “Flash mobs” are also organized by the vocal ensembles in each of their communes or neighborhoods, thereby spreading Aïlo’s songs for peace across the public space and beyond.
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